01/02/24 08:30AM
Who would win?
20 adult men with metal bats or a silver back gorrilla
01/02/24 08:31AM
20 adult men with weapons that can do damage and add range to there attacks... The gorilla is doomed.
01/02/24 08:32AM
FallenDownWithoutPanties said:
20 adult men with weapons that can do damage and add range to there attacks... The gorilla is doomed.

Depends. They might not be physically fit.
01/02/24 08:33AM
Cute_MILF said:
FallenDownWithoutPanties said:
20 adult men with weapons that can do damage and add range to there attacks... The gorilla is doomed.

Depends. They might not be physically fit.

True, and ive seen some really unfit adult men. I still may have to go with them just due to shear number difference. Plus gorillas really like bluff attacks
01/02/24 09:18AM
Fuck, r/whowouldwin is leaking.

I don't know what the gorrila can do to survive here. 20 dudes with bats is enough to kill pretty much anything besides an elephant.
01/02/24 09:19AM
OddAnomaly said:
Fuck, r/whowouldwin is leaking.

I don't know what the gorrila can do to survive here. 20 dudes with bats is enough to kill pretty much anything besides an elephant.

I think a hippo could win, there just super thick
01/02/24 05:42PM
Let us review the statistical data.

A silverback gorilla is thought to be able to punch with 1,300-2,700 pounds of force, which is more than enough to completely pulverize your skull. Gorillas weigh 400 pounds on average and have over four times the muscle density of a world-class weightlifter.

Not to mention the bite force of a silverback, which is approximately 1,300 PSI.

Given the silverback's immense size, agility, and natural weapons (powerful limbs and sharp teeth), it seems logical that it would have a major advantage over 20 bat-wielding humans in a hypothetical scenario. Additionally, consider this — most people would flee in terror if they were faced with a charging silverback.
01/02/24 06:07PM
20 dudes with bats versus a single gorilla.

I feel like we are underestimating the SHEER QUANTITY of 20 adult men. Doesn't matter how old or fit they are when they have metal bats - those are strong enough to Hutt something and break something with an average full power swing.

The gorilla is strong, yes, but pain is still pain. It has a severe disadvantage in numbers - while he's trying to kill one man, another SEVENTEEN are going to be jumping him. The adult men are weaker, but have a full team.

Naturally, the adults are going to get more hits in, until they eventually circle around the gorilla and beat the living shit out of him.

The gorilla will naturally be able to take a few men out, yeah, humans aren't very durable. But if one man goes down, that means one man has two bats now. And it means every time the gorilla hits a man with tremendous strength to knock him out or kill him, it means another five men have an opening to ram their bats against his head, neck, and jaw.

The indomitable human spirit survives and conquers once more.
01/03/24 09:37AM
Bite force and lifting strength doesn't matter when you're facing 20 armed men.

As an added note, most animals prefer to avoid conflict unless hunting or asserting dominance. A gorilla doesn't understand what a gladiator arena is or why they're fightng.
01/11/24 04:16PM
the men win, like seriously, they are metal bats, and the gorilla stands no chance, and the bats will jsut dive-bomb the gorilla
01/11/24 04:21PM
That gorilla is fucked. Even 15 teenagers with bats would win.
01/13/24 06:09AM
Never underestimate the importance of muscle density.

Any professional bodybuilder or weightlifter will gladly tell you of the many benefits of additional muscle. More muscle equals more brute strength. It also offers better protection for the more delicate regions of the skeletal frame and internal organs. This is precisely the reason why martial artists concentrate on the strengthening of their abdominal region — it's to condition their bodies to absorb blows without sustaining injury while sparring.

A ripped mid-section effectively creates a protective shield for the internal organs.

Consider, for a moment, that a silverback possesses 4-5 times the muscle density of the strongest human athlete.

Hypothetically speaking, the silverback is very likely to be resilient to physical blows, have a better chance of avoiding internal injury, and will probably experience minimal pain. This, of course, does not preclude it from potentially succumbing to a sustained assault from 20 steel baseball bats, but it's a sure-fire guarantee that an enraged silverback will do significant damage to the human rabble before it falters.

Who knows? The silverback might even turn the odds in its favor. Under the right circumstances, anything is possible.

Your average chimpanzee is perfectly capable of tearing a human apart, limb by limb.

Think of what a gorilla can do.

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