11/14/23 04:53AM
Goblin options
Post your opinion on goblins be it male or female goblins

Here's mine
I'm tired of seeing goblin girls having regular noses gimme a goblin chick with a pointy/big noses
11/14/23 05:03AM
Well are my thoughts about goblins

I think there should be both types of goblins males and girls with pointy features and males and girls with non pointy features.

Well this is more dependent on the idea that goblins are breeding with other races but anyway to sum this up generics would cause some goblins to look like the typical goblin while others might look more elvish or perhaps orcish and so on.
11/14/23 05:05AM
11/14/23 05:08AM
Same here.

HornyAfRp said:
Here's mine
I'm tired of seeing goblin girls having regular noses gimme a goblin chick with a pointy/big noses

Have fun trying to convince people to seriously do that. This phenomenon has happened for so long that it has multiple names.

11/14/23 05:33AM
HornyAfRp said:
Post your opinion on goblins be it male or female goblins

Here's mine
I'm tired of seeing goblin girls having regular noses gimme a goblin chick with a pointy/big noses

kinda based but tbh i like when goblins are just short guys that look kind of weird and lanky/both sexes have an ugly-cute charm
11/14/23 04:29PM
Isn't it because traditionally, many artists were male?
doltscanttag said:

HornyAfRp said:
Here's mine
I'm tired of seeing goblin girls having regular noses gimme a goblin chick with a pointy/big noses

Have fun trying to convince people to seriously do that. This phenomenon has happened for so long that it has multiple names.


I really want some cute, pretty boy goblins as well. I have been finding more art of such lately on Instagram and Pixiv, but the majority of art still depicts male goblins as ugly shits. One post commented how a lot of images here appeal more to the male gaze thanks to the majority of writers/artists being male and this is only changing with the past decade and so. Even then, we still have a long path ahead.

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