11/09/23 11:07PM
Have you ever gotten pics?
Hey. I was wondering. Has anyone here received nudes? I have a couple times from some pretty sexy girls and it was super hot. but I don’t know how common it is.

(Btw idk if this is against tos so forgive me if it is)
11/09/23 11:07PM
A few times, yes, but more often than not it's catfishes
11/09/23 11:13PM
Never have, probably never will.
11/09/23 11:35PM
twice, one wasn't looking good, second looked good but i dont know if the image wasn't stolen from internet. these were pics though and i'm into vids
11/09/23 11:38PM
yeah, several actually. only a few were consistent though.
11/09/23 11:43PM
tons. mostly guys. i usually send pics more than i receive them tho, ppl asking for proof and stuff
11/09/23 11:45PM
Yes. I appreciate the authentic ones I've been shared and not the "mass spread" ones.
11/09/23 11:49PM
A handful, I consider myself very lucky to even receive those. Idk about those who sent them to me, but to me it's a very private and personal thing to share with a stranger on the internet, it might sound weird to sound weird to say I treat them with great respect, but I do. Like I want to uphold their confidence/trust in me.
11/09/23 11:53PM
I’ve asked when people are offering them, that’s about it.
11/09/23 11:53PM
Once. A dickpic. Not interested.
11/09/23 11:54PM
Twice. The first time a guy with whom I had been chatting for a while sent me a link to his pics on XHamster. I had pictured him as being kind of average-looking, but in the pics he was smokin' hot and just my type physically.

The second time someone offered to send a dick pic, I said "Sure", and didn't regret it at all because it was a nice one.

In both cases I'm almost completely sure it was actually them and not pics of a random porn star or nude model, based on the overall quality of the pic and what was in the background, etc.
11/09/23 11:55PM
What I fear most is that someone might send me a pic of someone else, not professional quality but not themselves
11/09/23 11:58PM
Lil_Boytoy said:
What I fear most is that someone might send me a pic of someone else, not professional quality but not themselves

Pics are something I actually try to avoid because of things like this, sharing hentai and porn is a whole lot simpler, even if it isn't something entirely to taste.
11/10/23 12:11AM
Only a handful of times. I'll say that I was pleasantly surprised at seeing them. The first one that was sent to me was unexpected, since I didn't anticipate her body to be rather curvy;
11/10/23 12:14AM
personally i don't tend to request them unless it's been made clear that they're happy to show off. most times they've asked whether they can show me a picture and i'm always happy to accept. i've been fortunate enough to see some very nice boobs from people i met here. doesn't even bother me whether it's their boobs or not, boobs is boobs at the end of the day.
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