11/05/23 07:50PM
R34 users, is this real? Game
This is from the short lived meme (at least to my knowledge) "Chat, is this real?"

Here, a user will ask one question. That question has to be answered by 3 other users before the next question comes up from someone else.

The original Questioner may not be able to answer their own question in a response, but they may do so while editing or, of course, before posting it entirely.

In case someone might want to answer a question that's already been answered by 3 others, you're free to quote reply to add your 2 cents. Doing so won't affect the game whatsoever, as you'll be considered a "Ghost". Ghost being that you're just responding without messing the chain up.

For your question to be validated, you have to start with "R34 users," and then follow up with your question.

Those that are answering, you're obviously free to agree, disagree, be neutral, or not know. Along with that though, you have to add a small reason as to why you picked your answer. The reasoning can be as small as a sentence or as big as a paragraph or more.

Here are some things that makes one be skipped.

-An Answerer only answering with no reasoning. [They are voided]
-A Questioner who goes more than twice in a row.
-[Complex] 2 different Questioners dropping their question at the same time. (Whoever gets theirs answered first stays. The other is voided. First come, first serve)

I'll start this off. It can also be the example as well for those that would like to ask a question. By the way, "real" doesn't have to be added. It may look like it but it is not needed. It does stick with the theme though!

R34 users, is post-nut clarity real?
11/05/23 08:57PM
yes because i feel bad after i nut by myself (clarity of mental state=acute awareness of various mental illnesses)
11/05/23 08:59PM
Yes, because sometimes after I nut I realize that I just came to something slighly fuck up
11/11/23 06:08AM
This went a whole lotta nowhere. Too much thinking required is my guess. Maybe try dumbing it down so people aren't made to feel like they have to read an instruction manual before playing. ;P

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