10/29/23 09:33PM
Does anyone use the comment part of this site to search for anything?
If so why? I see so many comments that are shocked at the content they see on this site. Why not just filter the search with tags?
11/04/23 11:11PM
Alicedoll said:
If so why? I see so many comments that are shocked at the content they see on this site. Why not just filter the search with tags?

I think it would be possible to add a comment search function by keywords or tags, because not all posts have comments. This would bring variety to the site's search engine
Alicedoll said:
If so why? I see so many comments that are shocked at the content they see on this site. Why not just filter the search with tags?
11/05/23 03:07AM
Because the blacklist still lets a lot of stuff through in the comments tab and tons of people can't tag or don't bother tagging right away or ever.
11/05/23 05:12AM
Come to think about it, I've only done manual searches for different things I want to look up thru the post pages and forum pages that people post in the forums sometimes, but I don't think I've used the comments, aliases, artists, tags, and pool pages for looking up stuff since I haven't tried using them that way and I don't know how to use them like that in particular for those anyway. I mean sometimes I use the wiki maybe to look up a term I don't understand sometimes and look thru other peoples account pages for some stuff too.
11/26/23 10:54PM
Sometimes yeah, to just look for interesting content and to see if posts are properly tagged.
11/26/23 10:55PM
I mostly use the manual search.

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