10/29/23 08:08AM
Bored post
Due to being insomniatic yet still too tired to bust a nut, I will describe the world as it was when this site was established.

When the first post of this site was made... (November 12th, 2010)

...Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon, was still alive (he died in 2012)

...Muammar Gaddafi Still ruled the north African nation of libya (he was killed in the eu-backed civil war a little over a year later)

...South sudan didn't exist as a country (it gained autonomy in 2005/6, but no independence until July of 2011)

...the space shuttle, one of the most iconic vehicles of spaceflight, was still in service (it had its last flight in july 2011)

... Obama had been president for about 2 of the 8 years he would serve (he was inaugurated in 2008)

...The Iraq War which oversaw the overthrow and execution of dictator Saddam Hussein had not officially ended (the last u.s troops withdrew in late 2011)

...and the New Horizons Probe, having given us the only non-dogshit photos of everyone's favorite not-so-planet pluto, was still on its way the icy world (For reference, it launched in early 2006 and approached the dwarf planet in mid 2015)

Oh, And to this day nobody knows who the character in said post even is, let alone the series they come from

10/29/23 08:15AM
Wow that's very interesting, thank you, insomniac person
10/29/23 08:17AM
Ooh interesting! I hope you get some rest but this is really interesting!

I was seven at the time so I don't remember any of this-

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